Based on:
- Age Range 16 - 90
- 365 days a year
- 16 hours a day searching sources
- 5 minutes a source
- 5,185,920
Curation in the hands of companies such as the Huffington Post are self interested transactions. The Huffington Post is a business in the business of people moving from source to source. The click through fee is motivation to continue offering sources that pay the most money per click through. The solution is to create a library system or library like options as aggregators. Libraries work on relevance not popularity. The library is organized by subject matter and obscure sources have as much right to discovery as does a so called popular source. The Library of Congress is one such template. Censorship is not a threat to the internet from a library aggregator because censorship already exists based on search engine algorithms. A library catalog provides a level of parity between sources - parity that cannot be bought. Libraries, at its essence, is about knowledge transfer. Libraries facilitate the accessibility of knowledge.
The internet is not about accessibility, but about popularity and if history has taught people anything it is about the danger of popular or dominant voices and/or positions. Libraries are not without fault on some censorship issues in the past because of local citizenry, but libraries are also the one group that has done the most for First Amendment rights and discourse. By creating a trusted online curator using the library template, people have a greater opportunity of being exposed to alternative perspectives and/or information. Funding must be public via non-profits or government funds as it benefits the community be it local, national, or global. It is time for the internet to grow up and become its full potential. And a librarian is the best tool.
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